CHEMICAL FOUR - MASS ACCELERATOR - Do you like being Huge?? To be huge, you need to have the right anabolic/ androgenic ratio. If a compound it too far on the anabolic side of the scale, your gains will be smaller, with minimal side effects. If a compound is too far on the androgenic side, you gain all types of mass, but with more side effects. If you want to maximize your gains, you need a product to help you gain the perfect anabolic/ androgenic ratio necessary for pounds of muscle growth.
Hello 4-!! We here at Chaos and Pain got our hands on some of the highest quality and best absorbing 4- in the industry, and decided to throw it in a formula designed to help you destroy your t-shirts, and leave your spotters speechless as you effortlessly destroy the weights. You are welcome.
How does 4- work? 4- is unique in that its anabolic to androgenic ratio is ideal for helping to active your body's anabolic growth and strength windows. Your body uses 4- to make androstenedione/androstenediol. Androstenedione/androstenediol is then converted by the body into testosterone. Increased testosterone leads to increases in muscle mass and strength.
How do you make sure that your body gets the most 4- possible, without getting destroyed by the liver? With advanced Cyclosome™ technology! It allows more 4- to be absorbed. The more 4- you absorb, the more 4- your body can convert into androstenedione/androstenediol. Cyclosome™ is a liposomal delivery technology that surrounds the 4- molecule and allows it to pass through the liver without being harmed or destroyed. The result is less 4- is required to make you HUGE!
How do you make 4- even better? You add one of the strongest test boosters on the market, Fadogia, and the myostatin crippling Epicatechin. Both natural compounds enhance the effects of 4-. By hitting the muscle building process from two additional pathways, you are guaranteed to make everyone envious of your awesomeness.
How long can you stay on Chemical Four? We recommend that you stay on Chemical Four for two months, followed by a 4 week off-cycle.
Who should use Chemical Four? Chemical Four is great for helping with gains in strength and mass. Not for beginners. Only for serious experienced lifters and athletes that want an extra edge in getting as strong and big as possible.
Can Chemical Four be stacked with anything else? Yes! Chemical Four works best when stacked with Legendary and Alpha PCT. We recommend the following stacking protocol for maximum size gains.
Cycle Support
Month 1:
- Chemical Four
- Legendary
Month 2:
- Chemical Four
- Alpha PCT (start two weeks before you finish Chemical Four)
Month 3:
- Alpha PCT For more info on these awesome products, click here now: Give me Gains!!
Can Chemical Four be used for weight loss? Yes, however, with think Chemical One works better. We recommend the following stacking protocol when trying to use Chemical Four during a cutting cycle.
The Cycle
Month 1:
- Chemical Four
- Thermogenic Fat Burner
- Predator (before carb meals)
- Carnage (before training or mix with water and sip throughout the day)
Month 2:
- Thermogenic Fat Burner
- Predator (before carb meals)
- Carnage (before training or mix with water and sip throughout the day)
- Alpha PCT (start two weeks before you finish Chemical One)
Month 3:
- Alpha PCT
- Predator (before carb meals)
- Carnage (before training or mix with water and sip throughout the day)
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